Family Caregiver

  • Sandwich Generation Caregivers: Pulled in Too Many Directions

    Being a parent or a caregiver is demanding enough, but when someone assumes both of these roles (sometimes in addition to working), the result can be daunting. It is vital that caregivers acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and ask for help.

  • Dementia, Caregiving and Alcohol Abuse

    My husband's dementia confused brain has allowed for some new strategies in tackling the alcohol use in our household. It is a daily struggle.

  • My Wife’s Alzheimer's Transformed Our 40-Year Marriage

    When my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, we thought our life, as we knew it, was over. But we've encountered some unexpected blessings along the way.

  • Personal Care Agreements: A Must for Caregiver Compensation and Medicaid Planning

    A personal care agreement is a contract between a care recipient and caregiver who provides their services for compensation. This binding contract defines a caregiver’s duties, ensures they’re paid fairly and safeguards a senior’s Medicaid eligibility.

  • Conversations with a Dementia Patient Can Be Frustrating

    Caregiver Blog: Sometimes I get so frustrated when trying to talk with my husband with dementia that I end up ignoring him and reading a book. I don't want to hurt him, but there comes a point when I just can't take it anymore.

  • Getting a Loved One to Wear Their Hearing Aid

    Charlie just got a hearing aid, which he desperately needed, but I can't convince him to wear it.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Caregiving's Toll on Marriage: A Personal Story

    Taking care of a husband with cancer while raising three kids younger than ten was a future I never expected when we first said "I do."

  • Nothing is Simple for the Disabled

    For Charlie and me, basic things like getting a haircut are now far from effortless. I can tell that our outings aren’t going to get any easier, and I’m worried about what the future holds.

  • Caring For Those in Chronic Pain: How Spouses Cope

    Becoming the primary caregiver for a spouse in chronic pain goes beyond what might be easily imaginable. Asking for help, staying social, and using humor are just a few of the many valuable suggestions for this difficult task.

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  • Caregivers Can Be Each Other’s Best Friend

    After more than 40 years, my childhood friend and I reconnected several years ago and were amazed to find that we fell back into step after all of those years. Our common connection: caregiving.

  • Caring for Your Parent: An Action Plan for Adult Children

    When your aging Mom or Dad needs help, the role of family caregiver can seem overwhelming. Use this five-step plan to ensure you’re prepared to care for an aging parent.

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  • How to Talk to Aging Parents About Their Future Plans

    Most seniors and their adult children avoid talking about aging and long-term care planning, but sidestepping the issue can be risky. Use these 10 tips to get the conversation started and ensure your family is prepared for whatever may lie ahead.

  • My Nightly Ritual With Dad

    When I moved home to take care of my dad, I was determined to make the most of every remaining second we had together. I envisioned fun outings and reminiscing about the past, but it turns out that he had other plans in mind.

  • Elder Abuse: For Many Aging Americans, Home is Where the Fraud Is

    A nationwide elder abuse analysis has led to a surprising conclusion that could cause older Americans to think twice about trusting their money to those nearest and dearest to them.

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  • This Is What Happened When My Parents Moved In

    Eleven years have passed since my parents moved in with my husband and me. What I didn’t anticipate was that opening up our home to my mom and dad would, in a sense, shut the door to our refuge.

  • The Sandwich Generation Faces Increasing Levels of Caregiver Burden

    Members of the sandwich generation care for a combination of young kids, aging parents, adult children, grandparents and even grandchildren. Their situations may vary, but the one thing these caregivers have in common is their need for more support.

  • Is Mom Afraid to Die?

    I often wonder why Mom is fighting so hard for so long. It recently dawned on me that she may literally have the "fear of God."

  • Memory Care: The Greatest Gift We Could Give Mom

    The progression of her Alzheimer's disease over the last eight years had been pretty much textbook. Still, nothing could have prepared us for the process of putting mom in memory care.

  • Confronting a Serious Diagnosis like it's a House on Fire

    When we are confronted with a potentially fatal diagnosis for ourselves or a loved one, we can find ourselves caught up in endless cycle of "why." Don't get stuck questioning, take action for yourself and your loved ones.

  • How Caregiving Can Help Us Rethink the Meaning of Motherhood

    As caregivers, how much do we owe our aging mothers? Learning to appreciate those who mothered us during our formative years and finding forgiveness in our hearts for those who faltered in these duties can help us come to terms with these relationships.

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