Diet & Nutrition for Seniors

  • 4 Healthy Practices are the Keys to Long Life

    Eating healthy foods, not smoking, drinking in moderation and exercising prevent early death, according to a new Centers for Disease Control study.

  • Hidden Fat Deposits Predict Hardened Arteries Better than Visible Body Fat

    Individuals who maintain a relatively healthy body weight may still be at risk for dangerous cardiovascular diseases, highlighting the importance of healthy lifestyle choices and a proactive approach to medical care.

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  • Prunes May Increase Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women

    Osteoporosis, or loss of bone density, can be a huge problem for postmenopausal women. One fruit was found to increase bone density more than several other fruits tested.

  • Gout Growing in U.S., Mostly in Men and Seniors

    Gout, a type of arthritis, now afflicts 8.3 million Americans, mostly men and seniors. Fatter waistlines and hypertension are largely to blame, and the risk increases with age.

  • How to Ensure Summer Cookouts Are Safe and Enjoyable for Seniors

    With some advance planning and expert tips in your arsenal, seniors and caregivers can both enjoy some fresh air, tasty food and good company at backyard barbecues this summer.

  • Gout: The Most Painful Type of Arthritis

    The buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints causes a form of arthritis known as gout. It’s important to understand the causes and symptoms of gout to ensure seniors receive prompt treatment and avoid permanent joint damage.

  • Loss of Smell in the Elderly

    The loss of smell with age is a natural and common phenomenon. While changes in sense of smell are a minor annoyance for most, they can affect a senior’s eating habits and may point to underlying health issues.

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  • Diabetic Exchange Diet

    This nutrition plan divides foods into 6 groups and uses exact serving sizes to help you eat the right amounts of each group daily in order to control your weight, blood sugar and cholesterol. Use this guide to get started.

  • Calcium Supplements: Buyer's Guide

    Calcium supplements can strengthen bones and reduce risk of osteoporosis.

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