Geriatric Care Team

  • Long-Distance Caregiving: Where to Start

    Even if you live hundreds of miles away, you can still help your elderly parents with their medical care. Healthcare experts recommend that you start by learning as much as you can about your parent's illness, current treatments, and its likely course.

  • An Overview of Long-Distance Caregiving and Helping from Afar

    Even If your elderly parents do not live close by, you are still concerned for their care. Make caregiving from a distance more manageable to ensure that your elderly parent is safe and well cared for.

  • Dementia Patients Need an Advocate

    A patient with cognitive impairment can often fool doctors and other care providers during examinations and assessments. Caregivers must take responsibility for making sure physicians are aware of their loved one's true health and capabilities.

  • Late in the 4th Quarter, My New Health Care Team Takes the Field

    For many reasons, I knew I needed some new doctors. At 85, I especially wanted a geriatrician to play quarterback for my team. Here's what I did... and why.

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  • Dispelling the 9 Most Common Myths About In-Home Care

    It’s natural to be cautious about hiring outside help to care for someone you love. Understanding exactly how home care works enables you to address concerns head on and make confident care decisions for your family.

  • Patient Advocates: Helping Caregivers Get Healthcare Answers

    A patient advocate is hired by a patient/family to navigate the healthcare system, addressing health and billing issues, coordinating doctor care and much more.

  • 20 Timeless Ways to Say Thank You

    There are many benefits associated with expressing gratitude for the people who help make our day-to-day lives easier and happier. Use this list of thoughtful gestures to show your appreciation in a meaningful way.

  • Evaluating a Professional Caregiver’s Performance

    Take an active role in determining whether in-home care is meeting your loved one’s needs and your own expectations. Consider these 8 questions to evaluate if a senior is receiving quality care.

  • Hiring In-Home Care: What Happens On the First Day?

    Once you’ve selected a reputable home care company, the next step is to actually begin services. Preparing for a home health aide’s first shift will help you feel more comfortable and know what to expect.

  • Caregiving Is a Lot Like Football

    In both caregiving and football, the pressure is intense and teamwork can make all the difference. As a primary caregiver, you are the leader of a team that is working cooperatively toward the goal of providing excellent care.

  • Putting Your Comprehensive Parkinson Care Team Together

    See the recommended members of a Parkinson care team and the roles they play. Parkinson patients benefit most from a care team of professionals providing individualized treatment.

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  • Is Your Parent Safe in the Nursing Home?

    Families often worry about falls, illness and care quality when their loved ones move into a skilled nursing facility. Familiarizing yourself with the various regulations and security measures used in nursing homes will help give you added peace of mind.

  • Geriatric Care Managers Can Help Busy Caregivers

    Geriatric care managers specialize in elder care management. These professionals are uniquely qualified to help family caregivers assess their loved ones’ needs, coordinate their health care, oversee finances, navigate senior housing choices and more.

  • Best Holiday Gift Ideas for Professional Caregivers

    There’s nothing more reassuring than finding a caregiver who goes above and beyond in their role. So, when the holidays roll around, what is the best way to thank these compassionate people for treating our loved ones like family?

  • Social Workers Support Seniors and Their Caregivers

    It is crucial for seniors and their family members to fully utilize all resources available to them. Social workers are an excellent source of support and guidance for those dealing with medical issues, caregiving and the end of life.

  • Real-Life Examples: Veteran Caregivers Share their Care Plans

    Experienced caregivers share the most efficient and innovative aspects of the care plans they have created for their loved ones. Use these examples to see if you could incorporate some of their tips into your own caregiving routine.

  • Progress with Integrative and Functional Medicine

    Integrative and functional medicine focuses on the connection between lifestyle and health in order to prevent and treat the root causes of illness. Furthermore, this method focuses on the health of the entire body rather than individual organ systems.

  • In-Home Caregivers Can Support Seniors Outside the Home, Too

    Home health aides can help seniors extend their independence both inside and outside the home. Learn how professional caregivers enrich clients’ daily routines by accompanying them to doctor appointments, religious services, social events and more.

  • Help is Available for Veterans through the VA

    After one stint of my husband refusing to bathe for six weeks, I finally admitted to myself and his VA doctor that I needed some help at home. This is our incredible experience with the VA’s home-based care programs.

  • You Are Your Loved One's Voice

    As dementia advances there will be challenges along the journey. It is your responsibility to contribute to a plan and follow up with the facility to ensure the plan is being carried out. You are your loved one's voice, don't be afraid to use it.

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