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We always have to have 2 full bulk packs of Charmin strong in the house..LOL And I wash a lot of Kleenex! Yes I check her pockets. So does she but they sneak into the washer. Mon also uses paper plates for her snacks, and wipes them off or rinses them off.. We have just learned to "go with the flow"..
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My Alz mother goes to the bathroom at least 10 times a day, probably more because she uses one big roll of toilet paper a day and she fills up one trash can everyday. At first, i was a bit annoyed that she was using so much toilet paper, but now, i consider her many walks to the bathroom her daily exercise, and the extra cost of toilet paper the expense for her physical therapy. So, $20 more in toilet paper per month doesn't bother me anymore.
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I think it just goes with the territory. Count your blessings it could always be something worse. Paper products cost have gone up at my house too. It's amazing the amount that gets used. But, it could be worse.
Maybe they secretly enjoy origami. :)
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Goodness mine is the opposite she chastised us for how much we only need one square!! She swears that's all she uses...uh huh ok mom (granted I only heard this growing up but it still is going on)...oh and water inch or less for a bath...she would beat on the door of it ran more than a minute this of course was growing up...but she also raised my brothers children so I got to hear about their waste as well!!
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We have the complete opposite problem with toilet tissue. My mother will use 1 or 2 sheets of toilet tissue for a BM, and keep folding it over and over. And then, she doesn't wash her hands very well. Makes me cringe! Tissue is a different story. Her nose runs clear all day long and she drops them all over the house, where the dogs get and eat or shred them. So, I guess the paper issue goes both ways. It could always be worse.
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If my mil doesn't have a tissue to wipe or blow her nose she does the "farmer dart" on my carpet.
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My mom uses quite a bit of tp too, and towels. Has to have 3 towels and a washcloth each time she bathes. Not only that, but we are constantly reminding her to shut the door when she uses the restroom. Goodness, my husband and kids don't want to see grandma's bare behind, neither do I! Lol
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My mil always used to have an abundance of toilet paper in her home but since she has been living with us, I guess she doesn't feel the need to wipe.
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OCD, it won't change. I have a friend (we've been friends for 40+ years) who is almost as bad with paper products.
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I have a good one for you. When my granddaugher was about 4, she was in the bathroom with me and she said "Gramgram , you are using way too much toilet paper" Then she proceeded to tear off 4 squares and fold them for me. Yes I knew she had learned this from her Pawpaw.
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