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The visit at the kitchen window at assisted living turned out to be quite hilarious. First they couldn't explain to my mom that she had to talk to me on the phone through the window because she kept trying to tell me where the door is and to come in. Finally they got her sit in a chair with the phone and then she couldn't figure out the cell phone they gave her. Then, being silly, she put her nose up to window and made silly faces. But I did get to tell her a few things going on with the family.
Helpful Answer (8)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2020
How sweet. Darling sense of humor to make faces.
Don’t forget condoms! You really don’t want an unplanned pregnancy at this time.
Helpful Answer (1)
Daughterof1930 Mar 2020
Seriously?! That ship has both sailed and sunk! 🤣
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I want to thank everyone who responded and shared thoughts.  I do want to respond to each of you, in part to explore suggestions you've made.   So, please don't think I was ignoring anyone after requesting your contributions. 

We went on lockdown/shelter in place or sort of a combination of that as of first thing today; I'm still getting used to that concept.   One thing I would have done to stock up on is get some yeast to make bread and rolls.

And the mail this morning brought a water bill with a notation that the action level for lead has been exceeded in my city.   I need to do some research and find out how to address this.

Thanks again, and back later to respond to your suggestions.
Helpful Answer (8)

A friend and I regularly watch movies together, usually at her house rarely at the cinema. On Sunday night we choose a movie on a streaming service that we both have, she has more than me. We got our snacks ready and hit play at the designated time. We have both seen RED before, but it was fun to watch again. We texted each other at various points in the show. A fun way to be together apart.

There is a local farm that is doing meal delivery once a week. Last week I had a great coconut curry with brown rice. Today they are delivering an African meal. At $13 each and enough for two people, I get two good meals from each order.

Otherwise I am working on my course material, limiting my news consumption one broadcast per day and trying to avoid any news from the US. Unfortunately, the comments from the fellow in Texas made it onto Canadian news last night. I was horrified to hear what he was suggesting and will do my best to avoid hearing such ugliness again.
Helpful Answer (4)
texasrdr22 Mar 2020
As a native Texan and in the "vulnerable" age group, I can assure you that Texans do NOT agree with what the lieutenant governor said! I was mortified when I heard his statement.
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I love the “drive through” Confession! ❤️❤️❤️

If if I could be a little off subject: we went this morning to Walmart’s new shopping hours for seniors at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays. It was hilarious! It was a zoo, a peaceful and orderly zoo! I’ve never seen so many old people (me, my husband, and my sister included!!) in my life, which is probably an exaggeration. There was gridlock in certain areas where we came to a halt for a while. This is a new procedure, so Walmart wasn’t prepared for us, with a lot of shelves not stocked yet. I really feel for grocery store employees. They have extra work because of this virus. Then we drove to Kroger, and I saw the same people there as I saw at Walmart! The seniors were waiting for the doors to open at 7 a.m., a big crowd of them including me.

the funny thing is that last night I told my husband and sister that I wanted to go by myself early in the morning just to get in and out faster, but my sister said, “I want to go, too!”, and told me she would put on her roller skates to go faster, and my husband said, “You mean you don’t want me to drive you there?” I paused and thought, and then figured out everyone was telling me they needed to get out of the house! 😊 i had lots of help self-checking out at Walmart because of them!

I felt embarrassed shopping for big quantities, but our daughter had her seventh child last week and needed groceries. I explained this to the clerk looking over my items to see if I had exceeded the limits, and she lit up with a big smile and said, “Oh, they will have plenty of fruit!”

All in all, a bright spot in our day, plus I got to bring the groceries over and see the grandchildren and the new grand baby again.

Prayers for all who are suffering because of sickness, financial stresses, job problems, or other problems. My heart goes out to you. May God answer your deepest needs and help you. Last week I had caregiver burnout and depression, and God delivered me from it. Love and hugs to all of you!
Helpful Answer (9)
texasrdr22 Mar 2020
My significant other was at Costco for "senior shopping hour" this morning and was first in line. He said the line behind him snaked all the way around the building and that he had never seen older people move so fast as they did when they got into the store! No social distancing took place. Unfortunately, this Costco was out of lots of items like disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, beans, rice, pasta, etc. They did have tp and paper towels but you were limited to one package. My local grocery (and there is only one for this entire side of town!) can't seem to keep items stocked. Please, please, STOP HOARDING!
We created an official looking certificate proclaiming the stay at at home policy. It helped my dad not see us as the bad guys. We do have to present it often, but it has helped!
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I took an iPad to the nursing home where my mom is and the care givers help my mom with it so she can FaceTime with me and other family members.
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Maybe school kids who are stuck at home could help brighten the day of someone in a nursing home/facility by making and sending lots of cards that could be distributed to isolated patients and residents.
Helpful Answer (10)
GvMercyToParent Mar 2020
We can't do that at my parents' nursing facility. Germs. It's a nice gesture, but germs come from the household where the item was created, and then handled numerous times through the mailing process, or the hand delivery process.
We are at home with our three teenage boys. We are keeping to a schedule to maintain some sanity. I hope that when this is over, our nation's teachers will have more respect and get a raise!!

Last night, we pulled out old home movies and pics and watched them on the TV. The boys were interested for about an hour and we had some good laughs together. Helped us appreciate the life we have.

Thanks for this question. It's given me some ideas of how to get through this.
Helpful Answer (4)

My Mother is in AL and in lockdown like all of us. We are still able to deliver laundry and food/treats. So I've been cooking her favorite desserts and having the front door staff deliver to her room. Then I go to her window and we have our dessert together. The staff have also set up skype/facetime/WhatsApp time.  So my sibs that are out of town can chat with her on request.  Especially helpful for my sister that is in Spain. The past visit I posted a large heart on her window with all of our names and thoughts on it. All these things are done not just for her, but for me too!  Everyone be safe.
Helpful Answer (7)
Caregiversister Mar 2020
It melts my heart to think of you and your mom communicating through the window and all the things you have done to show her your love. You are a wonderful example to all of us on how to love others!

Thank you for posting this. As usual, GA, another great post. 👍🏻

These situations always bring out the best and worst in people. God knows this is bringing back the painful memories of Hurricane Katrina for us living here in New Orleans. Just seeing the national guard active in our city brings it all back in our minds, the devastation but also the love in our community that was shared.

We received enormous help from volunteering college students (some who chose to make New Orleans their permanent home due to getting to know our unique city, even in an unusual way) and churches of all faiths and denominations that fed us after we were allowed to enter the city and salvage what little we could, for many it meant nothing.

As I entered my childhood home with my nephew I was flooded with emotions. There was only one thing left hanging on the wall, my graduation photo. My godson quietly said to me, “You survived.” All of my mother’s photos were lying on the floor and scattered every which way, unrecognizable people in the photos, destroyed by 9 ft of water, ugly mold on everything.

Oh, my photo was just as ugly, covered in ugly mold but there was something interesting that my nephew (godson) felt as we stared at my photo that was still hanging on the wall. It was crooked. It was water damaged but I had hung on for dear life and made it!

It was a surreal experience that I shared with the grown man that I had held in my arms when I was only 16 as the priest baptized him as a tiny infant. I was so proud to be his godmother.

There was a woman with a crew driving down the street with sandwiches. No businesses were open. She was visiting the most devastated neighborhoods to feed us. I had no appetite. My friend, Mark across the street had no appetite but this church lady looked at me and said, “Honey, you are so thin you may blow away if you don’t eat!” My friend across the street laughed and said that I had always been a string bean! We took one of her sandwiches to make her happy. I couldn’t eat it though. I gave it away to another neighbor. This woman asked if I would take her phone number. I did. Many months later I felt a desire to call her. She was a remarkable woman. She was a woman who acted out her faith. She didn’t just talk. She walked the walk. She respected me and I certainly respected her. She never once tried to convert anyone or put down their faith.

You know, Katrina seems like a million years ago (2005) but during these times it feels like yesterday for many of us here.

We are a strong city. Many supported us. Thank you all. We had people in all 50 states helping us during and after our evacuation. I was in Texas with my friends that lovingly asked us to stay with them. Our animals that became lost from owners were adopted by people all over the country.

Humanity came together. I thank you for that. We made it. We survived. We rebuilt our city and our lives.

We will survive this too. We are strong. Show love to each other. Equally as important, let go of toxic relationships and cling onto those that truly matter.

Honor your feelings and don’t allow anyone to rob your joy. I don’t believe in grudges. I don’t believe in bitterness. I believe in survival. I believe in peace. I believe in helping those who want help, step away from those who don’t.

I believe in the power of forgiveness but I do not believe in allowing ourselves to be a doormat. I believe in balance and harmony. I believe love heals for those who invite healing in their hearts.

Thanks GA for sharing about the beautiful parts of my faith. Catholicism has many beautiful beliefs. Of course, we have flaws. All churches do because there are no perfect people. Anyway, please keep our archbishop here in New Orleans, (Gregory Aymond) in your thoughts and prayers. I saw on television today that he has tested positive for the virus. He is a lovely person and I am sad to hear this. He speaks from his heart. His homilies always inspire me.
Helpful Answer (9)
BlackHole Mar 2020
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your reminder that this COVID-19 shutdown can be a trigger for those who have lived through prior societal upheavals. Biggest hugs to you. Go forth in kindness (you already are!). Paradoxical as it sounds, we will get through this isolation together.
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I am 67 and my DH is 69; he went to work this morning as his company is deemed "essential" although most jobs have been canceled. I did have a fit about it so he is going to set up working at home. Actually, not sure how that will go since he makes me crazy when he is here. I am a quilter and have lots of sewing projects to do.
My FIL is near us in a memory care facility. It is a one story "cottage" style so there are windows but he is so confused about all of this and really does not understand so having us wave from outside the window would cause more problems. There have been lots of interesting ways that people can cope posted. I am thankful for the caregivers who are caring for my family members so I can have a peaceful lockdown at this time. I am aware that many people are not so fortunate.
Helpful Answer (7)

My mother and family listened to Mass today. It was at noon so that worked really well for us. Watched the news less than an hour today. Listening to Irish music on our sun porch. Mom is enjoying herself and the sunshine is abundant. Very peaceful day!
Helpful Answer (6)

Good afternoon all,

I recently told my daughter that I am often alone but never lonely because I interact with so many people throughout the day. Now, I am isolated from all the people I normally see, including my grandchildren! I miss faces! I have begun to Facetime people instead of calling and it is such a comfort!

I want to keep as normal a schedule as possible, so I have my prayer and Bible reading time every morning, clean and organize my house, prepare good meals, work in my garden, and have committed to do one spring-cleaning project daily. Who knows? Maybe I’ll pick up my dusty pain brushes!

No yoga classes for me now, but I can do yoga in my own home, and I walk or ride my bike in the neighborhood. Today, I got up like I usually do on Sunday and participated in Sunday school on Zoom, a group video conference app, then our church live-streamed the pastor and a few people singing and playing music. He suggested we do the things we usually do during a service, so there I was alone in the living room singing away and praising God! That too was comforting. It was a good sermon. I also have been reading and participating more on this forum. We are so blessed to have this!

I’ve started reaching out to people I know are alone - people I keep up with on FB, but don’t usually talk to. If I am lonely, they must be too! In a little while I will go to talk to my mother through the window at her nursing home.
Helpful Answer (10)

Staying home will be easy for me, I’m a homebody. The hard part is being stuck at home with the kids. I’m thankful I get to be with them but at times it is very hard and I don’t blame them for getting restless and whiny! The first few days we were ordered to stay home, I did have the urge to go out and shop! But I am over it now and quite happy to be at home with nowhere to go.

I am practicing a lot of self-care right now—making sure that every day I take time to myself to take care of myself. I have been running on my treadmill daily. Sometimes two times a day-1 sprint session and 1 uphill walk at 15% incline. Challenging myself and coming up with new things to try has always been a great motivation to get my bum on the treadmill, so for the last week I have been running sprints for 20 minutes a day but switching it up—I do different variations, one day I ran 30 seconds as fast as I could and walked for 2 minutes and repeated for 20 minutes. Another day I sprinted for 1 minute and then walked for 1 minute. Tomorrow I am challenging myself to run 1 mile every 2 hours, at least 3 times throughout the day. Ideally I would like to get in (5) 1 mile runs but don’t know if time will allow it. Still have to take care of the family :)

At night after the kids go to bed, I workout with dumbbells and resistance bands. And then take a bath. I use bubbles and bath salts/bombs & read a good book. I tend to go overboard when bath & bodyworks has their after Christmas sale so I’ve got a nice assortment of body washes & scrubs and have been enjoying using a different one every day. It’s little things like that help lift my spirits!

For the kids, all last week we set aside reading time and for the youngest, he also spent time on school activities-his teacher posted a video of herself reading a story each day and on Friday she posted a video of P.E exercises for the kids to do. He can access some of the apps they use on their chromebooks at school so he used those to do math and reading activities.

every day we’ve gone outside and thrown the football, played catch with a softball and my DD has practiced hitting with the hitting machine. Hubby bought an agility ladder last year, for our son to use to improve his agility during the off season (football). He set that up on Friday and has challenged our son to do 3 of the exercises 10 times each, every day for a week. I am going to do it with him and we start tomorrow.

Tomorrow both kids start remote learning through their schools so that will give them plenty to do during the day. Late afternoon, we will continue to go outside with the football and softball. I ordered a speed rope from amazon and it should be here by Saturday so the kids will be jump roping for PE (amongst other things).

since hubby still has to go to work, it really doesn’t feel any different than summer vacation but that all changes tomorrow when remote school starts.
Helpful Answer (3)
BlackHole Mar 2020
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A few months back, long before the Covid Virus reared its ugly head, I bought 3 craft kits off of Ebay. They are called "Diamond Painting", and I thought they looked kinda interesting. It's sort of a "paint by numbers/puzzle of sorts, but instead of paint, you place 1000's of teeny-tiny colored diamonettes on to the colored coded canvas, and in the end, Waa-Laa, you create a pretty picture that you then paint a clear finish on for preservation, and then frame it. I will either be pleased with my creations or stark raving mad by the end of this isolation process, lol!

At Christmas I recieved a gift card to one of our local craft stores, and used it to buy a flat light box, a "diamonette" organizer box, and a table mount magnifyer also. I have yet to try them out, but I'm getting closer to starting one of these kits here soon. Thankfully we have both a covered patio and uncovered patio, so I hope to set up both indoor and outdoor, to be able to enjoy the nice weather, when it comes, it's actually been pretty nice weather here lately!

Hubby has a good amount of gardening projects lined up, plus he is our designated shopper/errand runner, so he is staying pretty busy keeping our household running during our self isolation routine. Like others, I'm a Homebody so this hasn't had a huge impact on me yet.

Another thing that we as a family already had in place is our Facebook Messenger profile which encompasses our British family as well, and there are about 50 of us hooked up and keeping in touch daily. It is interesting that our UK counterparts are basically on the exact same timeline as we are in the daily safety measures that have been put in place, ie: business, school, and restaurant closures, so I guess we really are all in this together!

So far, our 4 kids/spouses are all still working, mostly remotely, except for my SIL, who is a Chef in one our downtown Seattle hotels, he was just laid off last Friday, and for the foreseeable future and will hopefully have a job to go back to once things return to normal. We will get through this as a family, but it sure puts things into perspective that life as we know it is fragile and we must stick together! So far, I don't know of anyone who has contracted the Virus or has had to be quarantined because of it, knock on wood!

Thinking of you all, and praying that you and your loved ones stay healthy and as we all adhere to these common sense guidelines, we can stamp out or at least control this beast that is causing so much havoc to us all. Keep washing those hands now and don't hoard Toilet paper!
Helpful Answer (2)

Like a couple of the rest of you, I'm pretty used to managing on my own; spend a lot of time bird and rabbit watching and playing/cuddling with my dog and 5 cats.
That's the good news; the bad news is that our 2 best restaurants in this small town burned down a month or so ago and now if I DO want to go somewhere, there's not much choice.... I always said if the Chinese restaurant went out of business I'd move away - that was one of the two. Used to have church on Sunday, but not now, and visiting my mom and my friend in AL, but not now. Used to walk a lot, but am heavy now and it's all up and down hill here (puff, puff), and no longer ride horse - who's 25 now, about as old as I am. Guess write another book, and try AGAIN to learn Spanish.... it's either that or housework (yucch).
Helpful Answer (6)

Sheltering in place will be easy for me..... I am an only child of very over protected parents, thus have had a lot of years of practice.

I can fill my time by shaking the family tree on And washing the curtains in my house which haven't seen the inside of a washing machine in many years :P
Helpful Answer (11)
pamzimmrrt Mar 2020
I was also thinking of washing my curtains.. freshen up the house since When I am not at work I am pretty much staying put also. Hubs is working on outside projects. Mom is hunkered down in the rec room ,, smoking,, so it will be a short lived "freshen",, but still..
Took a walk with my mom yesterday. Boy I felt tired after, not getting too much exercise. This is a good time to start. Enjoying the sunshine today. Watching Christian programs, playing music. word games and of course Fox news. trying to limit my time watching the news, it is hard, but need to cut down perhaps one hour a day. Sing along with my mother. We always clap and make a big deal when she sings. Love the woods and nature. I miss the wild little bunny we had for a few years, moved on, came to say goodbye one day. Sat next to our porch for hours that day. We talked to him, fed him, and that was the last time we saw him. I cried for a few days, but thankful he came back to say goodbye. Must have a new home. Love our animals! It actually feels good to just stay home. We are constantly on the go. We are all getting the must needed rest. Trying to stay positive and trust in God during these very difficult times. Have a good day everyone!
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For several years now, I have been about a step and a half away from being a recluse. So, overall - staying home isn’t an issue for me. Rainman is another story - poor guy is use to being out and about with his paid companions. Anyhoo...

I had an aunt who was a bonafide paranoid recluse - so occasionally I wonder about my mental health. Lol!

More, I think - it was a 20+ years career in retail management that pushed me beyond my limit for dealing with The General Public.

11 years ago we bought my dream house. A just the right size two bedroom sitting on a small bluff overlooking a lake, with a huge state park on the other side of the lake. The house was a bit of a “fixer-upper” and my parents dual health crash occurred prior to much of the fixing and as a result - I’ve become comfortable in its lack of fancy perfection.

Personally, I can sit for hours just looking out the window or sitting on the deck and watching nature and it’s wildlife. Except for the time I saw a Bald Eagle pluck a duck off the water, carry it to shore - and killed it it a fury of feathers... but I digress.

Ive been binge watching TV and movie franchises when I’m not elbow deep in Spring Cleaning.

If anyone has HBO - I highly recommend the series The Leftovers. It showed for three seasons so it’s not a huge commitment. It is hands down the best thing on film that I’ve ever seen.
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Shell38314 Mar 2020
I too can sit for hrs looking out at a lake and nature! Eagles do have to anyone? Sorry for the bad humor!
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We are staying in place. Yesterday we didn't go out at all. I cooked. We had grandson so my dining room was the school room. I'm in EST and still in my PJs. I think I will, be allright. But DH is a golfer so getting itchy. Me, I can read, crochet and watch on Demand. Actually would be a good time to get my house up to snuff but not in the mood .

At this time though, asking staff to set up Skpe visits is taking them away from doing their jobs. Like said, facilities maybe understaffed. And then there is taking precautions more than usual. Everything needs a continuous wipe down.
Helpful Answer (5)

Artist Daughter, ...snow still on the ground!  My crocuses began blooming a few days ago; it's so nice to see lilac and purple in the grass.   

Sending photos of families is a GREAT idea.    Now this is very practical and helpful  suggestion of using tech devices for seniors.   I think you may have a perfect solution for the isolation that occurs when family and seniors can't interact personally.

I wonder if suggestions like this could be made to activities staff of other facilities?   I'm sure the families would appreciate it, and it is a way to communicate during the shutdowns.

GingerMay, I've always thought, and there is evidence to believe,  that nature has soothing properties, and being outdoors is a good way to counteract stress, which I understand from a few new reports is increasing throughout the nation (and probably the world.)  

Have you ever read articles on "Forest Bathing?"

I noticed yesterday that a lot more people were out walking or riding bikes, more than I've ever seen on a particular route that I take periodically.   And they were SMILING!  (Yes, I'm shouting - it was so heartwarming to see how happy these people seemed to be.)  

I also heard a new bird call this morning.   It's exciting, something to look forward to every morning.   And, of's the beginning of gardening season!     Yesterday I saw what I think is a blended squirrel - it had almost black fur but also more of the reddish fur.  

Black squirrels seem to have taken over, but it's only this year that I've noticed what I think is fur with red tails!   Whatever they are, they've been busy rearranging the lawn and the garden.   

Thanks to you both for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
Helpful Answer (3)
ArtistDaughter Mar 2020
I've had to be outside for my mental health. I have my garden ready to plant and doing some weeding and rearranging the strawberries. It makes me sad that I can't share these activities with my mom, as I always think to tell her what flowers are popping out of the snow and what buds are on the trees and when possible take her where she can see them. At her assisted living there is a wonderful porch where the residents sit when the weather is warm. There are trees around the neighborhood and we talk about the buds and the blooms and what color the berries will be. I don't know how this spring is going to be without being able to help her see all that.
Thanks for sharing GardenArtist. Personally, I am doing small things such as I go for a walk in the neighborhood each morning and get fresh air and listen to the birds chirping. Oddly, I never even noticed so many birds here in the month of March before. I walk around my yard and look for buds starting to bloom. Been watching a bit of "on demand" movies more than normal and also limiting my viewing of news to 15 minutes per day and limiting my time on social media.
Helpful Answer (8)

I'm going to go to the window of my mom's room and call her on my cell. Right now there's too much snow, but maybe tomorrow I'll do that. The phone calls are confusing to her and the facility is having a hard time getting to the skype calls. They are short handed because two care givers have called in sick. Hopefully it is not covid 19 that they have. The facility sends the families photos of all the residents at the dinner tables. There are only 8 of them. They all seem to be doing fine so far.
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