

I Put this under sleep issues. Hahaha

What scary things keep you up at night?

Favorite scary movies?

Anything by Hitchcock!

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The fires are like a horror show. Just awful. All of us need to send prayers their way.

Young Frankenstein was absolutely fantastic!!!

Have fun at trunk or treat, DeeAnna

What about a good mystery movie? Agatha Christie or Hitchcock?

I HATE horror movies and rarely watch them. 😡 Watching the news about the fires in California is like watching horror movies in the making. 

I prefer “comedy horror films”. I LOVE the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" with Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, and Barry Bostwick.  In 1975, my boyfriend and I went to the “Midnight Show” of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” because the movie theatres would not show the movie during the evening.  I also love “Young Frankenstein” with Gene Wilder.  There are so many “in-jokes” that you really have to pay attention to catch all of them.

I am currently getting ready for our church’s "Trunk or Treat" 🚗 on Halloween.  We will have 400 kids at the event.  Mom loved to sit on her Rollator and hand out the candy to the kids when she was alive.  I didn’t participate last year because it was so soon after Mom’s death.  This year I am going as Little Red Riding Hood and I am hanging a blanket with a wolf print as the background.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!! 🎃


A witch. Hubby will be a wizard.

Roaches are gross. Yeah, mice, snakes and spiders, eh...

Geeeez, the French quarter here is loaded with rats! I suppose a lot of metro areas are.

Polar, my daughter has a poodle. I fell in love with this dog as soon as she got him. He’s a stinker but so cute. He’s extremely smart. Poodles are very intelligent, aren’t they? Yeah, the coyotes are an issue. Glad you were able to keep yourself and pooch safe.

Wise choice for both of your daughters costumes. Flamenco dancers are beautiful! Grim reapers are cool!


Thanks, party will be fun. Oh yes, I feel reborn in a way. Mixed emotions but I want to live my life.

A few people contacted me immediately after mom left. I didn’t get to see them often due to being home with mom but we spoke on the phone. They always supported me during my caregiver days. They drilled it into my head to focus on myself, my husband and children. I had lunch out with my cousin yesterday. She is only one year younger than me. We were very close growing up. It was wonderful. She said to me again to live my life with no regrets. I love her for this.

Yep. The balls are a big deal. Halloween is big here. All Saints Day too. People seem to forget that Halloween started as a Christian holiday, All Hallows Eve. We honor our dead in New Orleans. Our cemeteries are interesting and beautiful. There are flowers on most all the graves on All Saints Day, November 1st. Some people picnic on the grounds and spend the day remembering the people they loved.

@ Needing help, Anne Rice territory is right. Mayfair witches and vampire chronicles. I worked with a young lady who made the yearly trip down there for the witches ball and began attending the vampire's ball too. She put alot of time and effort into her costumes and always had a great time. Have fun at your party, happy to hear you guys finally get to go out and play!

NHWM- I'm not scared of spiders or mice, but I hate roaches; they gross me out. Snakes can bite and their bites can be fatal so I'd be scared if I encounter one, but fortunately no snakes around here.

We have coyotes though. I came within 10 feet of a large one when I was walking my little poodle Sandy. She could sense danger and became unusually quiet. Lucky for us, we were just across the street from our fenced yard. So, we hurried up and got back behind the closed fence while the coyote walked past our house heading towards the freeway overpass and disappeared in the bushes.

About the Halloween party, are you going as a vampire? I have two daughters with opposite tastes. One is going as a fancily dressed Spanish dancer, the other is a grim reaper.

I am going to a Halloween party this year. My friend is having a party. So hubby and I will go. We have been friends forever.

What is the scariest dream that you ever had? I would dream that I died and was aware of my wake as a kid. My parents took us to wakes and funerals when young and it terrified me because my great aunt told me the person in the casket was only sleeping. So I was afraid to go to sleep after a wake for fear of being put in a casket and placed in a deep hole in the ground.

They didn’t know any better in those days. Same with the prayer, ‘Now I lay me down to sleep.’ I hated that prayer. I thought I would die when I was really young.

Is anyone scared of snakes or spiders. My youngest daughter absolutely freaks out with spiders.

Somehow when she left our house a spider got in her car. She said it was fairly large. She called my husband almost hysterical! He was afraid she was going to crash her car on the interstate. He told her to pull off at an exit at a gas station or convenience store to see if there was bug spray for sale or something.

She found a gas station and a wonderful worker there got the spider out of her car.

I don’t freak out when I see a spider. She also freaks out with clowns!

Don’t you think the fear of clowns started with the serial killer, John Wayne Gacy? I do.


All natural disasters are scary. I think a tsunami would really be freaky to see. I remember watching the one in Thailand awhile back and thinking that I would totally freak out. A volcano also. Would be so strange.


I believe there are things we can’t explain.

Cali, I love anything Charlie Brown.

Very scary Send! Stay safe. Hugs!

OMG- That is scary, Send.

Scary is going to sleep at night, and waking up to a report of fire overnight,
not 3 miles away.
Next week, the power was off due to safety power outages, and a dangerous Santa Ana wind event. The room temperature was rising at noon, beyond what I can tolerate, 75, 79. 82....
Outside the entire sky was orange and black, with roads closed several ways
with the addition of each new fire.
Once on the road, traffic was so that we sat in the smoke, huge ashes falling, and roads were closing in almost every direction.
Tonight we are safe in a motel by the beach. The smoke in the air got here faster than we could!

I will sleep okay tonight.

Shane I love the original IT movie too! I was 10 when it came out and interestingly my mom let me watch it but she wouldn’t let me watch Boyz N The Hood lol.

I don’t have any spooky stories.

I do like watching Garfield’s Halloween special (from the 1980s) and It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown every Halloween. As an teenager l loved the Friday the 13th movies but now I can’t get in to them, they are really terrible!

2 of the houses I lived in had some kind of presence. In the second place - we had moved there and shortly after it was Christmas Eve. Dad went out to see a neighbour who needed help. Us kids were in bed pretending to be asleep. Mum was in the lounge right by the front door, wrapping last minute presents. She heard someone come up the steps outside, and the front door being clearly unlocked. The hall was part carpeted part wood flooring. She heard the door shut and steps on the wooden flooring then go quiet (as they would on carpet.) she thought dad had finished quickly and that on getting home had needed the toilet rather than pop into the lounge first. After a little she got concerned there was a problem. She checked the bathroom - bedroom - kitchen - nada. She was genuinely frightened now and checked our rooms etc. No dad and no way of exit.
This happened 3 more times until we put a deadlock on the front door and just used the back door from then. The first one was very menacing at least the second one wasn’t!

i love Hitchcock films!

Favorite Halloween costume?

Mine was a vampire! Of course, it was! This is vampire territory. Hahaha. Anne Rice grew up here in New Orleans. She’s a fantastic vampire story teller. Vampires are actually celebrated here. We have our vampire culture. Voodoo culture too!


Great choices!

My favorite horror movie is “It” by Stephen King - the original with Tim Curry. He plays Pennywise the villain. I love it & watch it every time it is on.
#2 would be “Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde” with Spencer Tracy & Ingrid Bergman. That movie creeps me out - when he starts morphing from Jekyll to Hyde. Love it!

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